Respite Care
NDIS Housing
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Care Assure Culture

We believe in establishing long term relationships with our participants, embracing them and giving them a welcoming environment no matter their situation. We believe everyone deserves to live as independently as they desire, with the freedom and contentment they need to lead a normal, happy and blissful life.

We will provide personalised attention and tailored NDIS services to help everyone achieve this. But more importantly, we believe in making our participants feel part of our family. We will laugh with them through the good times and be a shoulder to cry on through the hard times. We offer our hearts and souls into everything we do, because their goals are our goals too.

Our Team

We are a multicultural team of individuals with diverse professional backgrounds and NDIS careers. We have the skills, resources and knowledge to cater to the various complexities that come with the NDIS. We are flexible and open to change. We are willing to learn and ready to be challenged.

Through the good and the bad, at the end of each day we are a team that cares for their participants as well as their team members. We respect each other, trust each other and look out for each other – we’re a family after all.


Our Values


Respite care is an opportunity for both a person living with a disability and their families or carer to have a break. It involves temporary alternative care to take place while the usual care givers take some time away from their caring responsibilities.


We are always looking to learn more about our participants and what we can do to help. We’re constantly working to improve ourselves and our services, staying up to date with current best practices and developing our skills whenever we can.


Whether you’re a participant, a family member, a carer, a provider, a team member or a friend, we want everyone who deals with us to feel welcomed and part of the Care Assure family. We value each and every person we meet on this journey, as we all play a part in one way or another.

We Care

Above all, we really care. We are a team of compassionate people who genuinely want to help make a difference in people’s lives. The goals of our participants become our goals too. They are at the centre of our work and the tasks each of us does every day. We want our participants to feel heard, understood and cared for.

Ready to Transform Your Life? Contact Us!


Contact information

  • 182 Salisbury Hwy, Salisbury SA 5108 (Head Office)
  • (08) 7071 9276

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