Employee Registration Form

New Employee Register Form

Welcome to our online employee registration service.

On the following page, you will find a comprehensive onboarding checklist.
Please ensure that you have all the necessary documents readily available to complete your registration today.


Position Description

Position title: Support Worker

Location: Service Area

Reports to: Service Manager

Directly manages: N/A

Other Key Relationships: Participants & Families

Organisational Environment

We are a South Australian family with a passion for care & dedication. We believe in establishing long term relationships with our participants, embracing them and giving them a welcoming environment no matter their situation. We believe everyone deserves to live as independently as they desire, with the freedom and contentment they need to lead a normal, happy and blissful life. We provide personalized attention and tailored NDIS services to help everyone achieve this. But more importantly, we believe in making our participants feel part of our family. We will laugh with them through the good times and be a shoulder to cry on through the hard times. We offer our hearts and souls into everything we do, because their goals are our goals too. We are a multicultural team of individuals with diverse professional backgrounds and NDIS careers. We have the skills, resources and knowledge to cater to the various complexities that come with the NDIS. We are flexible and open to change. We are willing to learn and ready to be challenged. Through the good and the bad, at the end of each day we are a team that cares for their participants as well as their team members. We respect each other, trust each other and look out for each other – we’re a family after all.  Reporting to the Service Manager, the Support Worker role is primarily responsible for providing a range of personal and social support services while ensuring that the sites overall function and operation are effectively and efficiently supported.



We listen, and we develop support arrangements that work for each person. we don't walk away when the going gets tough.


We discover and create. we invest our time and our resources to create good ways to support people.


We invest our time and our resources to create good ways to support people.

We Care

We really care. We make it personal - we listen, and we develop support arrangements that work for each person.


The Support Worker is rostered to provide direct care services and supports participant’s safety, wellbeing and achievement of goals.

Primary Responsibilities

Delivers Quality Participant Service

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The Support Worker is rostered to provide direct care services and supports participant’s safety, wellbeing and achievement of goals.

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Provides direct support to participant’s that is person centred and based on participant choice, control and active participation in all aspects of their life

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Follows participant’s support plans to meet participant’s needs

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Assesses and manages risks effectively to ensure participant’s safety and wellbeing

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Assesses and manages risks effectively to ensure participant’s safety and wellbeing

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Balances duty of care with dignity of risk, empowering participants for greater independence

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Builds good relationships with the participant and their families and resolves or escalates any issues

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Maintains confidentiality and complies with NDIS Code of Conduct

Contributes to team effectiveness

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Follows direction and undertakes delegated tasks

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Supports and works collaboratively with fellow team members

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Contributes to a positive team culture and a consistent approach to participant’s supports

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Attends and actively contributes to team meetings

Engages Others

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Communicates effectively and maintains professional boundaries with participant’s, their families, and supporters

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Engages with other departments within Care Assure to maximise participant’s outcomes

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Shares information with participant consent or in accordance with SA Government Information Sharing Guidelines

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Works effectively with people from diverse backgrounds

Applies a Business Mindset

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Remains aware of industry trends

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Manages Care Assure and participant’s resources effectively

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Understands and meets compliance requirements during service delivery

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Maintains a professional approach that represents Care Assure, its services and Care Assure participant’s positively

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Suggests improvements and implements workplace changes

Demonstrates Personal Drive, Integrity and Care Assure’s values

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Demonstrates good judgement when making decisions

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Undertakes and maintains required training

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Engages in ongoing self-development

Qualifications, Experience and Personal Qualities


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Demonstrates good judgement when making decisions

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their families

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Experience assisting people with a disability with activities of daily living, including

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personal care

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Understanding of person-centred practices

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Skills in building relationships with people from diverse backgrounds

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Able to effectively manage time and balance priorities

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Experience in using technology to communicate and share information

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Experience following policies, procedures and plans


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Minimum Certificate III in a Disability or related qualification.

Personal qualities

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Logical and fact-based approach to situations - Desire to make a difference

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Positive Outlook

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Warmth and empathy

Desirable (but not essential)


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Understanding of the NDIS

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Experience in supporting customer with a wide range of needs including high health needs, mental health, trauma, ABI

Qualifications, Experience and Personal Qualities

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Satisfactory screening relevant to the contemporary needs of the organisation and the role (e.g. NDIS, DHS, DCP)

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Current Driver’s Licence;

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Theory and competency-based training as deemed required is completed and maintained .

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Able to provide 24/7 availability across a 76 hour roster per fortnight

Key Result Areas

Delivers Quality Customer Service

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Participant’s confidentiality is maintained

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Participants NDIS goals are met

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Participant’s support is person centred and based on Participant choice, control, and active participation in all aspects of their lives

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Participants are assisted in personal care and daily living as required

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Opportunities for Participant learning, skill development and independence are maximised

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Family relationships, friendships and community connections are fostered

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Household duties are undertaken in line with the Participant’s plan

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Individual Participant plans are followed including health, manual handling and mealtime management

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Medication is appropriately administered and recorded

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Participants records are up to date

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Sensitive customer information is kept secure

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Participants, family and representatives’ feedback is sought and acted upon in a timely way

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Activities, outings and transport are undertaken

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Participants appointments are attended and documented

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Policies and processes that keep customers safe are followed

Contributes to team effectiveness

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Care Assure’s policies and procedures are implemented

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Allocated tasks are completed to a high standard and on time

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Work and team goals are achieved

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Participant and service specific work instructions are followed

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Expertise is shared with fellow team members

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Training needs are identified in response to changing participant requirements and Senior Management is alerted

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Agency staff are inducted to the service

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On the job induction, training and support is provided to Support Workers in conjunction with the team leader during probation

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Performance issues are escalated to the Service Manager

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Conflict is resolved or assistance sought to resolve conflict

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Feedback on organisational processes is appropriately provided

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Team meetings are attended and contributed to positively

Engages Others

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Enquires and requests are responded to in a timely and accurate way

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Verbal and written communication is succinct and accurate

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Communication book is correctly used and kept up to date

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Technology is used to effectively communicate, document and share information

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Own emotions are controlled when interacting with others

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Opportunities to engage with the community including use of community facilities are maximised

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Visits by professionals to participant homes are facilitated and supported

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Adherence to Equal Opportunity legislation

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Awareness and respect of other cultures is shown

Engages Others


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Petty cash and grocery card expenditure are recorded and reconciled where delegated by Team Leader / Service Manager

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Participants are assisted to safely manage their finances

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Daily Participant finance reconciliations are completed

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Participant and Care Assure property, equipment and belongings are taken proper care of and maintained


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Adherence to WHS policies procedures and plans

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Risks, hazards and injuries are reported in a timely manner

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Restrictive practices are identified and complied with

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Delegated tasks associated with internal and external audits and investigations are completed in a timely and accurate manner

Brand Promotion

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The desired Care assure image is reflected in day-to-day behaviours

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A positive image of Participant in the community is promoted

Innovation and Change

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Ideas for service improvement are put forward

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Organisational improvements are actioned

Engages Others

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Enquires and requests are responded to in a timely and accurate way

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Verbal and written communication is succinct and accurate

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Communication book is correctly used and kept up to date

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Technology is used to effectively communicate, document and share information

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Own emotions are controlled when interacting with others

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Opportunities to engage with the community including use of community facilities are maximised

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Visits by professionals to participant homes are facilitated and supported

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Adherence to Equal Opportunity legislation

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Awareness and respect of other cultures is shown

Exemplifies Personal Drive, Integrity and Cara’s Values

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Behaviours is in accordance with Care Assure’s values and Code of Conduct

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Reasons and evidence for decisions are provided

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Decisions outside of delegated authority are escalated to the Services Manager

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Engagement with the Performance Development Process

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Participation in mandatory training

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Self-development activities are undertaken

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Reflection on own practices regularly occurs

Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare

As an employee, you must:

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Adhere to policies and procedures and follow all reasonable instruction

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Attend required training

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Participate in safety risk assessments with supervising manager

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Participate and assist in safety related investigations

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Participate and / or assist with safety auditing

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Actively support, report and contribute to hazard identification and the reduction of risks to health & safety

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Report all hazards, incidents and near misses within appropriate timeframes

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Protect own safety at work and avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of others through an act or omission at work

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Use equipment supplied

Quality and Risk Management

As an employee, you must:

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Adhere to policies and procedures and follow all reasonable instruction

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Attend all required training

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Contribute to continuous improvement initiatives as required

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Participate in quality audits

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Participate in risk management activities.

Changes to Position Description

This Position Description represents the job as it is today, however Care Assure reserves the right to make changes to the position as required


Staff Professional Conduct Policy

“The service has effective and accountable service management and leadership to maximise outcomes for individuals”

[National Standards for Disability Service, Number 6, Service Management, Standard for Service]

1. Introduction and Purpose

Care Assure is committed to supporting all staff to conduct themselves professionally at all times while representing Care Assure.

Staff / Volunteers should not approach a customer to take a photograph of them for any other reason.

2. Policy Directives / References

National Standards for Disability Services NDIS
Quality and Safeguarding Framework.

3. Risk

In the absence of policy direction there is a risk that Care Assure’s standards and expectations of staff behaviour and performance will not be adequately communicated and that service to Participants will deteriorate, or Participants will be placed at risk.

4. Scope

This policy covers all staff, placements, volunteers, agency staff and students engaged by Care Assure in any capacity whatsoever (hereafter “staff”).

5. Definitions

Not applicable

6. Commitments and Responsibilities

Care Assure is committed to supporting Participants to live and be supported in the community, and it is important that staff conduct themselves in a manner which affirms this commitment. Professional conduct incorporates privacy and confidentiality, promotion of the positive image of the Participants, appropriate communication, respect and trust.

Staff play a key role in the way in which Participants perceive themselves and the way in which articipants are seen by the community and their families. Staff also influence the way in which Care Assure is perceived by Participants and the community. Our diverse workforce and culture of respect and positivity are key elements that help to foster an outstanding workplace environment.

Care Assure recognises the right of all employees to fair treatment and the right to be heard. Care Assure fully supports the effective resolution of grievances and encourages all employees to utilise the grievance procedure.

All staff have a responsibility to work within our Vision, Purpose, Work and Values to ensure we provide quality services to our Participants

People living with disability grow as individuals and live a life rich with opportunities.

We provide support to empower people for greater independence.

We work in partnership with people living with disability, their families and the community, to create a better life.

We focus on people with significant and multiple disabilities and complex needs.

We assist people in their daily lives with support to live at home, to take a break, to get out and have fun, to learn and grow.

Values Adaptive
We listen, and we develop support arrangements that work for each person. we don't walk away when the going gets tough.

We invest our time and our resources to create good ways to support people.

We Care
We really care. We make it personal - we listen, and we develop support arrangements that work for each person.


Confidentiality Policy

“I have the right to services and supports that are effectively managed, regularly reviewed, accountable and contemporary”

[National Standards for Disability Services, Standard Six, Rights for People]

1. Intent and Purpose

Care Assure recognises that staff, volunteers, agency personnel and students use information about individuals and organisations during the course of their work or activities. In most cases information will not be stated as confidential and it will be necessary to use common sense and discretion in deciding whether information is expected to be confidential.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance, but if in doubt staff, volunteers agency staff, students are required to seek advice from their Team Leader/Manager as appropriate.

2. Policy Directives / References

Privacy Act, as amended Staff Professional Conduct

3. Risk

In the absence of broad policy direction there is a risk that confidential information about individuals or Care Assure may be in-properly disclosed to a third party.

4. Scope

This policy covers all staff, placements, volunteers, agency staff and students engaged by Care Assure in any capacity whatsoever (hereafter “staff”).

5. Definitions

Personal Information
Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an
individual who is reasonably identifiable
(a) Whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
(b) Whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.
Sensitive Information
Care Assure will collect sensitive information about an individual, only with the individual’s consent,
or if required by law, or in other special circumstances.

Sensitive information means
(a) Information or an opinion about an individual’s:

(i) Racial or ethnic origin; or
(ii) Political opinions; or
(iii) Membership of a political association; or
(iv) Religious beliefs or affiliations; or
(v) Philosophical beliefs; or
(vi) Membership of a professional or trade association; or
(vii) Membership of a trade union; or
(viii) Sexual orientation or practices; or
(ix) Criminal record;

that is also personal information; or
(b) Health information about an individual; or
(c) Genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise health information; or
(d) Biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or
biometric identification; or
(e) Biometric templates.

6. Responsibilities / Procedures

Staff, agency staff, volunteers, students:
(a) Are able to share information with their line manager where necessary to discuss issues and seek advice.
(b) Should avoid exchanging personal or sensitive information about individuals with whom they have a professional relationship. This includes, but is not limited to:

(i) Avoid talking about individuals associated with Care Assure in social / public settings. This also applies to disclosures using social media.
(ii) Avoid disclosing personal or sensitive information about individuals associated with Care Assure when engaging with persons employed in other Agencies (e.g. Schools).
(iii) Avoid talking about Care Assure or organisations associated with the operations of Care Assure in social / public settings. This also applies to disclosures using social media.

(c) Should avoid disclosing information regarding the business affairs of Care Assure or any other entity or persons associated with the business affairs of Care Assure
(d) When photocopying or working on confidential documents, must ensure that the materials are not accidently seen by others. This also applies to information on computer screens.
(e) Accessing unauthorised materials or breaching confidentiality may face disciplinary action


Alcohol & Substance Abuse Policy

“I have the right to services and supports that are effectively managed, regularly reviewed, accountable and contemporary”.

[National Standards for Disability Service, Number 6, Service Management, Standard for Service]

1. Intent and Purpose

Care assure has zero tolerance in respect to the use of illicit drugs.

Care Assure aims to maintain a work environment that is free from the effects of alcohol or drugs. The use, being under the influence of, the transfer, sale or possession of alcohol, illicit drugs or controlled substances while engaged or scheduled to be engaged in any business on behalf of the organisation, is strictly prohibited. Moreover, for their own safety and for the safety of other persons, staff may only report for work in a condition to perform their duties free from the effects of alcohol or drugs. This includes prescribed drugs which may have side effects that hamper a staff person’s capacity to carry out their duties effectively.

The organisation recognises that alcohol and substance abuse is a treatable problem and it is willing to provide referral assistance (e.g. to Care Assure’s Employee Assistance Program provider) to those who want to understand and correct their problem before it impairs their performance and jeopardises their employment. To this end, and in furtherance of Care Assure’s duty of care obligations, Care Assure may direct a staff member to attend the EAP if we have reasonable grounds for suspecting alcohol or other substances may be, or are likely to, impact upon work attendance or work performance.

2. Policy Directives / References

Work Health and Safety Act 2012 Disciplinary Action and Termination of Employment

3. Risk

In the absence of policy direction there is a risk that a staff member or volunteer may harm either themselves or another person whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

4. Scope

This policy covers all staff, placements, volunteers, agency staff and students engaged by Care Assure in any capacity whatsoever (hereafter “staff”).

5. Definitions

Medical Examination: any test undertaken by a registered professional in pursuance of this policy. Includes, but is not limited to the testing of saliva, blood, urine and hair.

6. Responsibilities / Procedures

(a) During Induction new staff will be informed of this policy and of their obligations in relation to it and sign-off to that effect.
(b) Staff may be required to submit to a drugs/alcohol test under the following circumstances:

(i) whenever a staff member is required to submit to a medical examination as requested by Care Assure, including random testing.
(ii) whenever a staff member suffers a work-related injury that requires medical treatment o whenever there are reasonable grounds to believe that a staff member’s ability to perform his or her job is impaired due to the use of drugs/alcohol.

(c) In the event that a person advises they are unable to attend a medical examination so requested, the person will need to provide evidence to the satisfaction of Care Assure for advising that they or unable to attend If the reason is satisfactory to Care Assure;

(i) The medical examination will be rescheduled and,
(ii) In addition, a random spot check examination will occur within three months of the re- scheduled examination having taken place.

(d) If the person does not attend the scheduled medical examination or the reason for nonattendance is not satisfactory, the matter will be dealt with in accordance with disciplinary policy
(e) If the person does not attend the rescheduled examination referred to in (iii) (a) or if an examination is rescheduled as an outcome of the disciplinary procedure described in (iv), Care Assure will suspend employment without pay until such time as another medical examination occurs unless there are pressing reasons that would justify their nonattendance. This medical examination will be at the cost of the staff member/volunteer. A random spot check examination will then occur within three months.
(f) For the purposes of testing to ensure compliance with this policy, testing at the medical examination will include saliva, blood, urine, hair or any other appropriate test as may be required in the circumstances.
(g) In the event that any staff member is found to be in violation of this procedure, including failure to attend scheduled medical examinations, then disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, will be imposed. More specifically,

(i) If an employee is tested positive, ie an illicit drug is detected via Care Assure’s random drug and alcohol testing program, the employee will be justifiably or summarily dismissed. The employee will only be “entitled to payment for work in that fortnight only for the time actually worked”
(ii) In respect to detection of a prescription drug, the employee will need to provide evidence that the drug has been prescribed for their use by a medical practitioner and provide a supporting letter from the medical practitioner who prescribed the drug, indicating that their patient (ie the Care Assure employee) is fit to perform the genuine job requirements of their position whilst under the influence of the prescribed drug. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
(iii) In respect to alcohol, if an employee tests above the legal limit ie a blood alcohol concentration over 0.05 is detected via Care Assure’s random drug and alcohol testing program, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

(h) Off-the-job use of alcohol or drugs which adversely affects a staff member’s job performance or jeopardises their own safety or the safety of others may also be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
(i) In the event that any visitor or employee of firms conducting business with Care Assure is found to be in violation of this procedure, he/she is to be refused entry or removed from the worksite. Managers shall enforce this procedure by reporting any violation to the relevant Executive Manager so that an appropriate course of action can be determined.


Staff and Volunteer Photographic and Media Consent Form

I hereby consent to the collection and use of my personal images by photography.

I acknowledge these may be used on the Care Assure Intranet, for individual support resources, in staff, volunteer and team profiles, in newsletters and in publications.

I further acknowledge that my image may be used to promote Care Assure Services in the future.

I understand that no personal information, such as names, will be used in any publications intended for external use, but excluding matters relating to the provision of information to participants, unless express consent is given.

I also understand that my consent can be withdrawn at any time in writing to the Human Resources Department at the Care Assure Head Office, Melrose Park.



PRINT NAME of STAFF MEMBER / VOLUNTEER person giving consent
(& parent/guardian if under 18 years of age)

I understand that no personal information, such as names, will be used in any publications intended for external use, but excluding matters relating to the provision of information to participants, unless express consent is given.

I Consent to the use of photographs being used to promote future service by Care Assure.

I further understand that this consent may be withdrawn by me at any time, upon written notice.

I give this consent voluntarily.


New Employee Acknowledgement Form

1. Consent to Drug & Alcohol Testing

I have read and understand Care Assures policy SP 5.3 Alcohol and Substance Abuse, and I consent to submitting to a drugs and / or alcohol test if requested to by Care Assure Management.

2. Statement of Confidentiality

I consent that I will not divulge any information I have acquired, during or after my involvement with Care Assure unless legally required to do so, pursuant to Section 48 (1) and (2) of the Mental Health Act, 1976 - 1979, the South Australian Health Commission Act, Section 64, and other relevant legislation such as the NDIS Act, Privacy Act, Information Sharing Guidelines for Promoting Safety and Wellbeing.

3. Position Description Acknowledgement

I have read and understand Care Assures policy SP 5.3 Alcohol and Substance Abuse, and I consent to submitting to a drugs and / or alcohol test if requested to by Care Assure Management.

I have read and understand the requirements expected of the Position Description, and I agree to act in accord with the Position Description as a condition of my employment by Care assure.

I have read, understand and agree to the information as set out in this form

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