
Assisting with Personal Care

Whether you simply need a little help starting your day or require ongoing assistance, our personal care assistant with personal care services are here to help you with everyday life. We adapt our services to your individual daily routine, ensuring you get the assistance you need to make the most of each day in a safe yet enjoyable fashion.

NDIS Services - A lady and Girl Smiling

What is personal care assistance?

Assisting with personal care’ support involves assistance with daily self-care. These services aim to help participants maintain their grooming and hygiene routine and navigate their daily life as independently and safely as possible. Our NDIS personal care providers can physically assist you with these tasks or supervise while you build your independence skills.

Assisting with personal care covers a range of daily activities related to personal care, all of which can be tailored to your individual routine and disability-related needs. These include:

  • Dressing & grooming
  • Bathing
  • Toileting
  • Personal hygiene
  • Shaving
  • Mobility and transferring in your home
  • Eating and drinking
  • Medication assistance
NDIS Services - Personal Care Assistant Services

How can I get personal care assistant services?

Participants can receive ‘assisting with personal care’ services through their NDIS Core Supports budget. This can be accessed through the “Assistance With Daily Life” category. Assistance with daily life is one of four Core Supports sub-categories, designed to assist participants with day to day activities, such as personal care and household tasks while facilitating their potential to live as independently as possible.

If you would like assistance with personal care, our NDIS personal care providers will work with you to come up with a program that is tailored to your needs and individual daily routine. We are able to come to your home in the mornings, afternoons and evenings to help you get ready and wind down for the day. How much or how little support you require is up to you.

NDIS Services - A lady and Girl Smiling

How Care Assure can help you

We provide a range of NDIS services in Adelaide and regional SA, where each of our services is tailored to your goals, needs and individual routines. Importantly, when you choose Care Assure to help you with your personal care, you gain much more than assistance from experienced support workers. In addition to some extra support in your daily routine, you:

  • Increase independence in everyday life
  • Build your time management skills
  • Learn new skills for everyday life, inside and outside your home
  • Learn how to take care of your personal needs and mobility safely and efficiently
  • Meet and get to know new people who are truly there to help you

Look good, feel good, seize the day

Having a good personal care routine in place not only leaves you looking and feeling better. It also helps to boost your self-confidence so you can make the most of your life. Our team of NDIS personal care providers love to see participants shine and are here to help you get there by making each day a little easier.

FAQs related to assistance with personal care:

Personal care is all about keeping individuals feeling clean, well-groomed and healthy. For people living with a disability, daily personal care tasks can be more challenging, which can lead to self-esteem and confidence issues as well as health problems.

‘Assisting with personal care’ services ensure a regular personal care routine for participants, while also building personal care skills for greater independence. This way everyone one can lead their day with more confidence, looking good and feeling great.

Personal care in general can be dependent on every individual’s needs. This may involve any task or activity that is of personal nature to you. This includes things such as personal hygiene (bathing, showering, shaving, hair washing, oral hygiene, skin care); continence management (toileting, catheter/stoma care, incontinence laundry and beg changing); eating and drinking; mobility (moving around your home, transferring from your bed, shower or toilet).

Yes, we do provide every day assistance! It could be based in an individual’s home or Care Assure’s supported accommodations in Adelaide or the regional areas we provide support in. For more information, please speak to our friendly team on 08 7071 9276 or send us a message.

An NDIS disability support worker has the role of providing a helping hand wherever you need it most. They are there to assist and guide you as you work on your goals, build new skills and increase your independence. At Care Assure we have a diverse team of support workers in Adelaide, Port Augusta, Port Pirie and Whyalla. Who are there to provide our participants with 24/7 assistance every day.

If you are a carer or a support coordinator, looking for NDIS support provider, we would be happy to help! Simply give us a call on 09 7071 9276 or send us message.

Yes, we do provide NDIS support services in Adelaide and regional SA including Port Augusta, Port Pirie and Whyalla.

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